Irrigation using manure water

Irrigation on pastures using manure water.

The permanent irrigation system was designed to irrigate pastures from raw manure water. We pump the water from the manure dam with a stainless steel pump. One of the biggest problems we faced was particles in the water.

The only solution was to put a river screen on the suction of the pump to make sure that no clogging takes place.

The next problem was corrosion. We made sure that no metal fittings would be used. Plastic valves and injection moulded fittings solved that problem. For sprinklers we used Rain Bird LF 2400 sprinklers, because the bearing of the sprinkles never gets in contact with the water. The system is designed to keep the water level in the manure dam on a constant level.   

Date of completion: 
Monday, April 7, 2014
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